Join us at Pinballz Kingdom in Buda, Texas for a fun mustache-filled night of music and money raising.

Kyle ER is sponsoring this Concerts For A Cause to raise money for Movember.
Movember is an international foundation that is dedicated to stop men from dying too young.

We will have live music from Bruce Fallgren (5-6p) and George Mercado, Jr (6-8p).

We will have a raffle item provided by Money & More Pawn.

We will have a photo booth by Snappy Pix

We will have The Simply Charming Mo's there in their amazing mustached gloriousness. BYOM... or one will be provided for you.

The money raised will go to the Movember Foundation through local group The Simply Charming Mo's. Can't make it? you can donate direct via their Movember page (

The state of men’s health is in crisis. Men experience worse longer-term health than women and die on average six years earlier. Prostate cancer rates will double in the next 15 years. Testicular cancer rates have already doubled in the last 50. Three quarters of suicides are men. Poor mental health leads to half a million men taking their own life every year. That’s one every minute.

Our fathers, partners, brothers and friends are facing this health crisis and it’s not being talked about.

We can’t afford to stay silent.


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