True Vineyard Benefit @ Pinballz Kingdom

On Saturday, September 15, 2018 Concerts For A Cause will happen from 5:00-8:00pm at Pinballz Kingdom (in the Biergarten). The September show will be benefitting True Vineyard Ministries, Inc. Performing will be Austin's own Space Cushion from 5-6p and Stupid Drama from 6-8p. The music is free, there will be a raffle with an item donated by Money & More Pawn AND Southern Charm Photography will be on hand with a photo booth. True Vineyard Ministries is a faith-based, nonprofit organization working on sustainable solutions for widows in Rwanda. Location: Pinballz Kingdom 15201 S. IH35, Buda Texas Date: Saturday, September 15, 2018 Time: 5-8p Time: 5p-8p