CFAC - UR Our Hope - Sept 10 @ Pinballz Kingdom

Come on out to Concerts for A Cause for our September 10 show. It's a benefit for U.R. Our Hope at Pinballz Kingdom in Buda. Vanessa Lively will open the show and Bret Coats will headline from 6-8p. Help us raise money and awareness for this great charity. We're also raffling off a laptop donated by Money & More Pawn - valued at $249.99. Tickets are $1 each and can be bought at M&M Pawn now... or at the show. About U R Our Hope: "30% of Children with Special Needs do NOT have a definitive diagnosis. On average, it takes a family 7 years and many specialists to find a rare diagnosis. With over 7,000 rare conditions, the journey is not always quick, nor is it easy. U.R. Our Hope helps families on the journey to diagnosis and helps them navigate the healthcare system with a rare diagnosis."